I'm an Aussie Blogger

Sunday, January 14, 2007

The silly old grandma.

The following story, The silly old Grandma, is a true story written by one of my younger grandchildren. Peter lives in Mareeba and attends St Thomas Primary School.
(A short story by Peter Seth James. Written, 13 April 2006.)

On Tuesday last week my grandma, Sue Bayliss, was looking at gold chains for a
pendant. Sue found a chain she liked. At the time, Sue was under a lot of stress. Her
mobile phone was ringing. People were talking to her. While all that was happening,
Sue chose a chain she thought cost $100.67. Sue paid for the purchase with her
master card. Unfortunately, the chain cost Sue $1,067.00. While under stress, Sue
had glanced quickly at the price tag before paying. That night, Sue looked at her
docket and saw the real price!

Another day, when Sue woke up for breakfast she nearly ate cat food from the dry
cat food box instead of cereal from the cereal box. SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN
The end.


Megan Bayliss said...

Silly old G'ma. Cat food tastes yuk. Try dog kibble as it has a much more pleasing flavour!!

Sue Bayliss said...

Hey, Megan. What's that old saying, many a true word has been said in jest? I actually knew a family of little children whose Mum was horified one day to see them all squating around a jumbo pack of dog kibble. They were happily munching away on the kibble and sipping cordial from little tea set cups. Their Mum immediately phoned the poison's centre and was greatly relieved to hear they will probably grow up to have very healthy bones and teeth! For me, it was a great relief to know other people's kids did that sort of thing too. The behaviour of you lot was not so totally unique after all - most of the time, anyway! Last I heard of those children, they were all healthy adults with kids of their own and all doing quite well in life. XXX